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Thinking of turning your home into a smart home? If so, you're not alone!

A growing number of homeowners are making the switch every day…and for a good reason. There are plenty of benefits to having a smart home, from increased security to energy savings.

This post will explore some of the key trends you should consider in making the switch to a smart home. Keep reading to learn more!


Building a smart home can seem like a daunting task, with many homeowners feeling that they need to be experts in technology to get started. However, the truth is that you don’t need to have tons of knowledge or spend a lot of money on cutting-edge equipment to make your home more connected and automated.

By starting with a few key components, such as smart bulbs, security cameras, and smart speakers, you can build a solid foundation for your smart home that quickly expands over time. And with the help of powerful smart hubs like Amazon Echo or Nest, connecting all of these devices and managing them from your mobile device becomes a breeze.

So if you’re ready to start building a smart home today, here are six of the most popular trends!


As smart home technology becomes more advanced, we see greater integration between different devices. This is particularly evident with voice-activated speakers such as the Google Home, which can now be linked together to form a multi-room system.

Similarly, systems like the Philips Hue lighting system can now control the lights in an entire home, rather than just individual lamps or fixtures. This increased integration makes it easier for users to control their smart home devices and create customized routines that suit their lifestyles.

You can expect to see even greater levels of integration between smart home devices, making the smart home even more convenient and user-friendly.


If you’re not interested in building a smart home right away, picking up a few smart bulbs is a great way to dip your toe in the water. You can use them just like traditional light bulbs until you’re ready to invest in more smart home tech.

And if you do choose to go all-in on smart home life, you can add more devices later on and connect them all to your original investment: the smart bulb.

So if you’re interested in outfitting your home with some intelligent illumination, consider those smart bulbs that communicate over wifi or connect with a hub that also talks to devices like smart locks and thermostats.


Smart smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are essential safety devices that help protect us from the dangers of both fires and carbon monoxide poisoning.

These modern alarms incorporate advanced features such as smart sensors, smart alerts, and emergency lights, making them especially effective at detecting dangerous situations and helping us escape quickly and safely.

As an example, the First Alert Onelink Safe & Sound incorporates a smart speaker for voice control and monitoring for hazardous levels of carbon monoxide. Regardless of which smart smoke or CO detector you choose, these advanced devices can help keep you safe in an emergency.


Perhaps one of the most energy-saving smart home measures, smart thermostats are quickly becoming a must-have in a smart home. They offer an unbeatable combination of comfort and cost savings, and their features are constantly expanding.

The latest smart thermostats will not only establish a heating and cooling schedule based on when you're home, but they can also detect what room you are in and adjust the temperature accordingly. This helps ensure that your HVAC system is only running when needed, leading to significant savings on your energy bills.

In addition, many smart thermostats now offer advanced features such as humidity control and automatic fan operation. So if you're looking for a smart device that can make your life more comfortable and save you money, a smart thermostat is a great option.


As smart home technology becomes more widely adopted and interconnected, there’s an increasing need for smart home security.

These systems are designed to protect the outside of your home from potential intruders, monitoring and reporting any suspicious activity, and ensuring the safety of all occupants inside.

Smart home security systems provide unparalleled protection with smart locks that can be controlled remotely, cameras that you can check in on from afar, and lights that can be turned on or off with a simple tap on your phone. Additionally, by allowing you to access controls from anywhere and check on your home remotely, these systems also help to maximize convenience and give you peace of mind even when you're away from home.

Whether you're looking to upgrade the security of your smart home or keep an eye on things while you're out and about, smart home security is the way forward.


Thanks to recent advances in the artificial intelligence industry, smart home devices are becoming more and more common.

AI devices, such as voice assistants, smart speakers, and smart thermostats are staples of the home technology industry. They make setting a reminder or turning off your air conditioning tasks as easy as a simple voice command.

Plus, AI is beginning to work in other aspects of the home too. For example, smart appliances such as refrigerators and ovens are now available to automatically order groceries when they run low.

In addition, new home security systems are using AI to provide homeowners with real-time alerts of potential threats. As AI advances, even more aspects of the smart home will likely be impacted.

Smart homes are becoming increasingly popular and if you’re not sure whether a smart home is a suitable investment for you, consider these six trends.

Think about your needs and what features are important to you. Do you want an automated home that can respond to your voice commands? Or would you prefer something that saves energy and helps you manage your budget? There are many different types of innovative home technology available, so take your time and research which option is best for you and your family.

Home insurance is an important investment for smart homes too. If you need help finding the best homeowners insurance coverage for the best price, start by speaking to a SimplyIOA agent at 833.872.4467 or get a homeowners insurance quote online now.

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