
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Diving Boards?

Written by SimplyIOA | Sep 25, 2024 4:00:00 AM

When it comes to the joys of home ownership, having a backyard oasis complete with a swimming pool and a diving board can be the cherry on top. However, amidst the splashes and laughter, it's crucial to consider the practical aspects – specifically, how your homeowners insurance handles such amenities.

Diving boards, while fun, introduce a layer of risk and complexity to your insurance needs. This post dives deep into whether your homeowners insurance policy has your back when covering diving boards.


At its core, homeowners insurance is designed to protect you from financial loss in the event of damage to your home or belongings and liability for injuries on your property.

Coverage typically falls into three categories: dwelling (the physical structure of your home), personal property (your belongings), and liability (protection against lawsuits). However, not everything under the sun is covered by a standard policy, especially when it comes to liability risks like owning a diving board.


Diving boards add an element of risk, not just for injury but also for insurance coverage. Insurance providers may view them as a liability risk because they increase the chances of an accident on your property.

Whether a pool diving board is covered under homeowners insurance depends largely on the specifics of your policy and your insurer's attitude toward pool accessories. Generally, pool diving boards are seen as added risks due to their potential for injury.

Some insurance companies might offer coverage for pool diving boards under the liability portion of your homeowners policy, assuming the board adheres to safety regulations and standards. However, this can often lead to higher premiums due to the increased risk of accidents and injuries.

In certain cases, insurers may require a separate rider or endorsement to provide specific coverage for a diving board.

Insurance Coverage Variations & Considerations

Your coverage will largely depend on your insurance provider, local regulations, and whether your pool (and its accessories) meets safety standards.

Some insurers may exclude diving boards from liability coverage outright, require additional safety measures, or offer coverage with higher premium rates. To ensure you're adequately covered, it's essential to be upfront with your insurance company about your backyard features.

Potential Coverage Options

For those determined to keep their diving boards, there are a few insurance routes to explore:

  • Umbrella Policy: This extends beyond your standard liability coverage limits, offering an extra layer of protection.
  • Special Endorsements: Some insurers might allow you to add specific endorsements to your policy to cover your pool and its accessories, including the diving board.
  • Separate Liability Insurance: In some cases, purchasing a separate policy specifically for higher-risk items like a diving board may be advisable.


Ensuring the safety and compliance of your pool area, particularly if it includes a diving board, is essential not only for the well-being of its users but also for satisfying insurance requirements. By adhering to local regulations and engaging in proactive safety measures, homeowners can significantly mitigate risks associated with their pools.

This diligent approach enhances safety and can lead to more favorable terms from insurance providers – reflecting their reduced risk exposure. Key strategies for reducing risks and securing comprehensive insurance coverage include:

  • Regular Maintenance: Consistently check and repair pool components (e.g., filters, pumps, and the physical structure) to prevent accidents caused by wear and tear.
  • Safety Fences: Erect barriers at least 4 feet high around the pool perimeter to restrict unsupervised access, particularly for children.
  • Clear Signage: Install signs to indicate the depth of the pool, the presence of a diving board, and other potential hazards, as well as to outline pool rules.
  • Obtain CPR Training: Ensure that household members are trained in CPR to respond effectively in an emergency, providing critical assistance until professional help arrives. Install
  • Pool Lighting: Adequate lighting enhances visibility during evening or early morning hours, reducing the likelihood of accidents.
  • Keep the Pool Covered When Not in Use: When the pool is unsupervised, use a sturdy pool cover to prevent accidental falls into the water.
  • Remove Ladders When Pool is Not in Use: For above-ground pools, removing access ladders can deter unsupervised entry, particularly by children.

Incorporating these measures does more than make your pool area safer; it demonstrates to insurance companies your commitment to minimizing risk, which can influence your policy's coverage terms and premiums. It's a comprehensive approach that secures your property and ensures a safer, more enjoyable environment for everyone.


Owning a home with a pool and a diving board can bring endless joy, but it also requires a serious approach to insurance coverage. The key takeaway is clarity and communication with your insurance provider. By understanding your policy, exploring additional coverage options, and adhering to safety standards, you can enjoy your backyard paradise with peace of mind.

If you need help finding the best homeowners insurance coverage for the best price, speak to a SimplyIOA agent at 833.872.4467 or get a homeowners insurance quote online now.