
How To Keep Your Vacant Home Safe During Christmas

Written by SimplyIOA | Dec 13, 2022 1:55:10 PM

The holidays are a time for family, friends, and festivities. But if you’re one of the many Americans who will spend the holidays away from home, it’s important to keep your property safe.

In this post, we’ll share tips on how to keep your vacant home safe during the holiday season.


1. Ask a neighbor to watch your home.

Let a neighbor or trusted friend know that you’ll be away and for how long. Give them a key so they can check in on your home periodically while you’re gone. (An empty house that’s visibly well-maintained is much less likely to be targeted by burglars than one that’s neglected.)

2. Stop all deliveries.

Stop all mail and deliveries, or arrange for someone to pick them up while you’re away. A pile of uncollected mail is a surefire way to tip off burglars that no one is home.

3. Invest in a home security system.

A home security system is one of the best ways to deter burglars and protect your vacant property. Be sure to choose a system that offers 24/7 monitoring and remote access, so you can always stay aware of what’s going on at your home, even when you’re away.

4. Make it look like someone’s home.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when leaving their homes vacant is failing to make it look like someone is still living there. Burglars are far more likely to target a home that appears unoccupied, so be sure to follow the tips above — cancel any deliveries and have a friend or neighbor collect your mail — as well as use timers on your lights to give the impression that someone is still around.

5. Secure all entry points.

Before you leave for your holiday travels, walk around your home and check all doors and windows to make sure they’re properly locked. Also, be sure to put away any spare keys so burglars can’t easily gain entry to your home.

6. Stay off social media.

Another way to help protect your home is by limiting your social media activity. Posting photos and updates about your holiday plans can give burglars the information they need to target your home. So avoid posting about your travel plans on social media until after you’ve come home again — you never know who might be watching and waiting to take advantage of an empty house. In addition, many social media sites use location data that can reveal your current whereabouts. If you are away from home for an extended period, it’s best to stay off social media altogether.

7. Update your insurance.

Finally, make sure your homeowners insurance policy is up-to-date and provides adequate coverage in case of theft, fire, or other damage while you’re away.


If you’re planning on leaving your home unoccupied for an extended period, it’s important to make sure you have the right insurance in place. Here’s what you need to know about vacant home insurance and how it can protect your property this holiday season.

What is Vacant Home Insurance?

Vacant home insurance is a type of property insurance that specifically covers properties that are unoccupied for an extended period. Since vacant homes are more susceptible to break-ins, vandalism, and other types of damage, this type of insurance provides an extra layer of protection for homeowners.

Do I Need Vacant Home Insurance?

When your home is unoccupied, it’s more susceptible to damage and vandalism. That’s because there’s no one there to monitor things and ensure everything is in working order. This is especially true if your home is going to be vacant for an extended period.

Even if you have a security system in place, it’s not foolproof. That’s why unoccupied home insurance is so important. It can help cover the cost of repairs or replacement if something happens to your home while it’s vacant.

If you’re planning to leave your home unoccupied for over 30 days, vacant home insurance might be the right fit. Even if you’re only leaving your home empty for a short period, it’s still a good idea to check with your insurance provider to see if your existing policy provides any coverage for a vacancy. 

While it’s always important to take precautions to protect your home, you should take extra steps during the holiday season. By taking these steps, you can have peace of mind during the holiday season.

If you need help finding the best homeowners insurance coverage for the best price this holiday season, start by speaking to a SimplyIOA agent at 833.872.4467 or get a homeowners insurance quote online now.