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How to name your red car

Just like you, your red car is vibrant and isn’t afraid to stand out. Why not go the extra mile and give your red vehicle a name to match?

Naming your vehicle may be a new concept or it could be common practice for you with every car you own. In this post, you’ll learn all about naming your red car, including:

  • How to name your red car
  • Why should you name your red car?
  • 50 red car name ideas


Consider the color

As one of the more intense colors, red tends to invoke a lot of emotion. It can also symbolize everything from love and passion to strength and courage to rage and anger.

Plus, with plenty of variations or shades of the color red, you might get some inspiration from your unique shade.

Consider the shade

Since every color also has thousands of shades, it’s important to keep this in mind as you choose the right name. Each shade symbolizes certain emotions, traits, and other associations.

  • Light red: joy, passion, and love
  • Pink-red: romance, friendship, femininity
  • Dark red: energy, rage, leadership, courage
  • Red-brown: masculinity, associated with harvest and fall

Consider the make and model

Have some fun with a play on words or alliteration. “Tomato the Tacoma” or “Candy the Corvette” are good examples of where to start when considering what you should name your red car.

Consider the type of vehicle

If your enormous red truck gets a name like “Strawberry Jam,” you might get some chuckles. Since that’s probably not your intent, consider the type of vehicle before you choose the name.

If you’re driving a small sedan, consider our 20 cute red car names below that match the look and feel of the vehicle.

Meanwhile, if you’re in a larger, heavy-duty vehicle, you might prefer our list of 20 fierce and intimidating names.

Driving a unique or sports car? Check out the 10 unique red car names below.


While there are no hard and fast rules for naming your car, there are certainly some benefits to giving your vehicle a nickname.

  1. Give your car some personality
    A name can help to give your red car a bit of extra personality, making it feel more like an extension of yourself.
  2. Give yourself someone to talk to (or about)
    Whether you’re frustrated with her inability to start the morning you’re already running late for a meeting or you lovingly refer to him as the one thing you can always count on, car owners everywhere love to name their vehicles.
  3. Give yourself some fun
    Maybe it’s a bit of irreverence; maybe it’s a touch of sarcasm. Either way, it’s simply fun to name your red vehicle. Let the whole family join in and vote on a name or take the wheel and name him or her yourself.




If you're struggling with ideas, we've put together a list of red car names that are sure to turn heads.

From classics like "Crimson" and "Scarlet" to playful options like "Firecracker" and "Ruby," these names are sure to reflect the spirit of your red car. So go ahead and give your vehicle the perfect name; after all, no one knows him or her better than you.

20 Cute Red Car Names

  1. Strawberry pie
  2. Strawberry jam
  3. Ladybug
  4. Cherry bomb
  5. Ruby
  6. Roxanne
  7. Ariel
  8. Foxxy
  9. Annie
  10. Candy
  11. Chili Pepper
  12. Scarlet
  13. Sangria
  14. Sriracha
  15. Hot Cheeto
  16. Little Red Riding Hood
  17. Flame Princess
  18. Lipstick
  19. Passion
  20. Rosie

20 Fierce & Intimidating Car Names

  1. Bloodshot
  2. Code RED
  3. Red Bullet
  4. Diablo
  5. Hellcat
  6. Dynomite
  7. TNT
  8. Blazing saddles
  9. Iron Man
  10. Road Rage
  11. Chuckie
  12. Lava
  13. Volcano
  14. Fire
  15. Spitfire
  16. Temper
  17. Hot Tamale
  18. Daredevil
  19. Hades
  20. Rage

10 Fun & Unique Red Car Names

  1. Tomato Sauce
  2. Red Rocket
  3. Red Velvet
  4. Redbull
  5. Scandal
  6. Merlot
  7. Hot Rod
  8. Clifford
  9. Pebbles
  10. Red Fanta

Get inspired with these tips and tricks for naming your vehicle; and no matter what you choose to name your red car, don’t forget to have fun with it.

If you need help finding the best car insurance coverage for the best price for your special red car, start by speaking to a SimplyIOA agent at 833.872.4467 or get an auto insurance quote online now.



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