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Self insuring risks

As a homeowner looking to self-insure, it’s critical to understand the value of insurance and how it benefits homeowners. While some may consider self-insurance as an alternative to traditional home insurance policies, it's important to tread carefully and understand the potential pitfalls and limitations.

As insurance policies evolve and adapt to the changing world, advisors can share three key points with homeowners considering self-insurance to help them make informed decisions. Properly assessing the risks, understanding the potential costs, and considering the long-term financial impact are all factors that should be considered when contemplating self-insurance.

It's important to remember that having a comprehensive insurance policy provides homeowners with peace of mind and protects against unforeseen circumstances that could cause catastrophic financial loss.


Homeowners in Florida feel the strain of rising insurance premiums, with many opting to self-insure their properties. Statistics reveal that 20% of homeowners in the Sunshine State are choosing to fund the cost of repairing any potential disasters themselves to find some relief from the highest home insurance premiums in the country.

Unsurprisingly, the average homeowner now pays more than triple the national average for coverage. Although self-insurance may seem risky, it may be a smart choice for those looking to cut costs and take control of their finances.


1. Financial Risks

One of the primary risks of self-insuring your home insurance is the potential financial burden. In the event of a natural disaster or other significant loss, the cost of repairs can add up quickly.

Most homeowners cannot afford to cover these expenses out of pocket, even if they have set aside funds for emergencies. Comprehensive home insurance coverage can help protect you from these financial risks and give you peace of mind.

2. Legal Risks

Many mortgage lenders require homeowners to carry certain types of insurance, such as hazard or flood insurance. If you choose to self-insure, you may be violating the terms of your mortgage agreement, which can lead to legal repercussions.

In addition, some homeowners associations (HOAs) also require residents to have specific types of insurance coverage. Failing to meet these requirements could result in fines or even legal action.

3. Emotional Toll

The stress and anxiety of potentially facing large, unplanned expenses can be a significant burden. When you self-insure, you’re taking on the full responsibility for the cost of any repairs or damages.

This can lead to worry about whether you have enough funds to cover any potential losses. Home insurance coverage can alleviate this emotional toll, as you know you are protected, no matter what happens.

4. Limited Coverage

When you self-insure, you’re essentially creating your own insurance policy. This means that your policy may not have the same level of coverage as a traditional one.

For instance, you may not have coverage for specific types of damage, such as flood or wind damIn the wake of rising home insurance costs, many homeowners are exploring alternative ways to secure their properties. One such method that has garnered attention is self-insuring home insurance. This can leave you vulnerable to significant financial losses if a covered peril damages your home.

5. Missed Opportunities

Finally, when you self-insure, you’re missing out on the benefits that come with traditional home insurance coverage. Homeowners insurance provides more than just financial protection; it can also provide access to resources and support in the event of a loss.

For example, many policies come with access to emergency repair services or temporary housing accommodations.


Before deciding to self-insure, homeowners should explore all available options. Shopping around for more affordable insurance providers or negotiating lower premiums can lead to substantial savings. Increasing the deductible on an insurance policy can also lower premiums. However, homeowners must be prepared to cover this amount in the event of a claim.

Finally, investing in home improvements to reduce risk – such as installing a security system or reinforcing the roof against storm damage – can also lead to lower insurance costs.


While self-insuring home insurance might seem attractive amid rising insurance costs, the potential risks are significant. It’s crucial for homeowners to fully understand these risks and explore all available options before making a decision.

If you’re considering self-insurance, we strongly recommend consulting with a financial advisor or insurance professional to understand all the implications.

And if you need help finding the best homeowners insurance coverage for the best price, speak to a SimplyIOA agent at 833.872.4467 or get a homeowners insurance quote online now.

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